The Journalists Association of Assam (JAA) has expressed grave concern over some false propaganda by some vested lobbies propagating that newspapers will create coronavirus infection.

The JAA president D N Chakravarty, general secretary Dalim Phukan and national vice president of National Union of Journalists India (NUJI), Bhupen Goswami said in a press release that a vested circle in a pre-planned manner spearheaded this propaganda causing concern among the journalists, hawkers and readers.

The hawkers of newspapers across the State were reluctant to distribute the newspapers following the false propaganda.

Also read: Coronavirus: No newspapers in Guwahati from Tuesday

The JAA appealed the all agents, hawkers and the newspaper groups to settle the distribution problems at the earliest.

The JAA also demanded to provide hand gloves, masks etc to the hawkers during the time of distribution of newspapers so that misconception of the readers cease, the press release added.

The JAA and NUJI also observed that in many cases the journalists who reside in metropolitan cities in rented houses were given notices to vacate the rented houses on the pretext of coronavirus pandemic.

The JAA urged the government to intervene into the matter in Guwahati.

The JAA also urged the government to declare welfare package to working journalists in this horrible situation.

Meanwhile, NUJI has expressed grave concern over coronavirus outbreak and the total lockdown.