The bodies of two children, who remained missing since Sunday afternoon at Kharangkong village under Lekhapani police station in Margherita, have been recovered on Monday.

The children, who were 7 and 8 years old, went missing when they were playing in the afternoon noon on Sunday near their homes.

The kids have been identified as Kapil Saikia and Bitopan Handique.

As they went missing, the family members of both the children informed the police.

The police launched a search operation on Sunday but failed to trace their whereabouts.

Again at night, the police and villagers jointly carried out another search operation but did not get any clue.

In the morning on Monday, the bodies of missing children were found floating in the waters of a pond near their homes.

A pall of gloom descended in the village as the news of the recovery of the kids’ bodies spread like wildfire.

It is yet to be known in what kind of situation the children drowned in the pond.

Police have started an investigation into the case.

The bodies have been sent for conducting post-mortem.