Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure worldwide. The study helps to develop computational models to help doctors optimize the treatment of type 2 diabetes to prevent kidney disease. The study will help doctors prevent or manage kidney disease in people with type 2 diabetes. Based on clinical factors, it is difficult to assess an individual’s risk of developing kidney disease and therefore it is important to find patients who is at the greatest risk of developing diabetic kidney disease.

The new algorithm depends on measurements of a process called DNA methylation, which occurs when subtle changes accumulate in our DNA. DNA methylation can encode information that can help to find out which genes are being turned on and off and can be easily measured through blood tests.

The computation model can use methylation markers from a blood sample that predict the functioning of the kidney currently and in the future.

The research included detailed data from more than 1,200 patients with type 2 diabetes from the Hong Kong Diabetes Register. They also tested the model on a separate group of 326 Native Americans with type 2 diabetes. This ensures that this approach could predict kidney disease in different populations.

The Hong Kong Diabetes Register is a scientific treasure that follows up with patients for many years and depicts how human health can change over decades in people with diabetes.