A strong bond between two partners is possible only when they can feel totally safe around each other and can communicate freely without holding any grudges or taking care to hide things.

Moreover, a healthy relationship is essential between couples so that they can continue their beautiful bond till eternity or up to the last breath of their lives.

When you feel safe around your partner, the feelings of happiness, trust and contentment automatically arises and this make the beautiful relationship between both of you very strong which does not have the scope of getting broken or destroyed at all.

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The 5 signs that that strongly indicate you feel safe in a relationship with your partner are-

i) Your partner does not force you for anything

A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect and trust. If your partner does not force you to do anything you are not comfortable with, it is a sign that they respect your boundaries and value your consent. It is of utmost necessity for couples to ensure that they help each other in their tasks and doesn’t go on commanding the other for doing things. When you force your partner to always do things for you, there is a high chance of a beautiful relationship to turn sour later.

ii) You feel heard

Communication is a key in any relationship. If you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with your partner and know that they are listening and understanding you, it means that you trust them and feel safe in the relationship. The ability to freely converse with your partner without fear is a good sign of a healthy relationship. When you take care to hide things while talking with your partner, there is certainly some lack of trust in the relationship.

iii) You don’t have to think too much before saying something

When you feel safe in a relationship, you don’t have to worry about being judged or rejected for speaking your mind. You can express yourself freely and know that your partner will accept you for who you are. Meanwhile, if you form pre-conceived notions of how your partner is going to perceive you before conversing with him / her or take utmost care that certain things of a topic are not revealed at all, it is a sign that the relationship has become weak.

iv) You can laugh at each other

Being able to laugh and have fun together is an important aspect of any relationship. If you feel comfortable enough to joke around and tease each other without fear of offending or hurting your partner, it means that you understand each other fully. Take care to not get offended when your partner make jokes on some habit of yours or repeats past incidents before people with hints of humour. If you vent your anger on your partner when he / she makes jokes regarding you, there are strong chances that the lovely bond between you might get damaged beyond repair.

v) You are comfortable with physical intimacy

Physical intimacy is a natural and important part of any romantic relationship. If you feel comfortable and secure enough to be physically intimate with your partner, it is a sign that you trust them and feel safe in the relationship. If you want to remain in good terms with your partner even after your relationship gets very old, always make sure to spend time together in private and go on trips or dates together.

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