File image of a mosque in Myanmar. Image courtesy: Myanmar Muslim Tour

A Muslim outfit in Myanmar is planning to ask the government to consider reopening of more than 100 mosques in the country.

As per reports, the outfit which is seeking reopening of destroyed or closed mosques in the country will take this issue to the Myanmar government by the end of October.

The group is going to take the issue to the president’s office, the state counsellor’s office, the home affairs ministry and the religious affairs and culture ministry in Myanmar.

The outfit’s leader U Maung Mint hoped that the government will approve their request which had been turned down a number of times in the past.

The mosques that had been sought to be reopened by the outfit are located mostly in Mandalay, Bago, Kayin and Ayeyarwady states and regions in Myanmar.

According to the 2014 census there are over two million Muslims in the country.

Most of the mosques in the country had been destroyed in the 2012 communal violence in Rakhine state of Myanmar.

The 2012 communal clashes which saw various attacks by Buddhist Rakhines and Rohingya Muslims on each other’s communities also led to destruction of human lives and several infrastructures.

The Rohingyas which is the largest Muslim group in Myanmar have often been facing persecution.

After a crackdown on the Rohingya Muslims was started by the Myanmar military forces and some Buddhists people in the country, many of the Rohingya Muslims have been suffering inhuman torture.

Due to the severe violence, a number of Rohingya Muslims had fled to Bangladesh which now houses people from that community in various camps across the country.