United States (US) President Donald Trump on Thursday said that catching coronavirus was a ‘blessing from God’ as he got to learn about the potential drugs that can be effective for the treatment of COVID-19.

In a video message posted on his official social media handles, Trump spoke about the drugs he was given for his treatment.

“I feel perfect. I think this was a blessing from God that I caught it. This was a blessing in disguise,” said Trump.

He also said that the use of the medication from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals had made him feel better.

“I spent four days there in the hospital and I wasn’t feeling so hot and within a very short period of time, they gave me Regeneron. It was like, unbelievable. I felt good. Immediately. I felt as good, three days ago as I do now,” Trump said.

The US President and his wife Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 last Thursday.

After spending four days at Walter Reed Medical Centre, Trump came back to the White House on Monday.

In the video message, which was shot outside the Oval Office, Trump also hit out at China for the coronavirus pandemic.

He also said he was authorising the federal acquisition of Regeneron and a new, similar anti-COVID-19 drug from Ely Lilly for free distribution to hospital patients nationwide.

“I wanna get for you what I got for me. Because it was not your fault that you caught coronavirus. It was China’s fault and China is going to pay a big price for what they have done to this country and the world. We are going to get this drug to the hospital and our military is going to do the distribution. It will be free, you will not have to pay for it. We are waiting for emergency use authorisation and it is gonna be more than therapeutic,” he said.