Over four lakh (4, 48,760) Covid-19 vaccine doses are in the pipeline and the Centre will send them to the States and the Union Territories (UTs) within the next 3 days.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in a statement clarified that more than 1.53 crore (1, 53, 79,233) vaccine doses are still available with the states and the UTs to be administered.

Over 26 crore (26, 64, 84,350) vaccine doses have been provided to states and the UTs so far, said the ministry.

Of this, the total consumption, including wastages is 25, 12, 66,637 doses, reveals the data available at 8 a.m. on Sunday.

As part of the nationwide vaccination drive, the Central government has been supporting the states and the UTs by providing them Covid vaccines free of cost.

In addition, the Central government has also been facilitating direct procurement of vaccines by the states and the UTs.