Maharashtra police on Tuesday said that a group of burglars wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) kits stole away 780 grams of gold from a jewellery shop at Satara recently.

As per reports, the jewellery shop owner made a complaint to the police that the burglars broke in his shop through a wall and stole away 78 tolas (one tola is 10 gm) of gold.

A case has been registered at the local police station following the complaint by the the jewellery shop owner.

In order to investigate about the incident which took place on Sunday, the police accessed the CCTV footage from the jewellery shop which showed the burglars taking hold of some gold jewellery from the showcases and cupboards.

The CCTV footage also showedthat the burglars were wearing caps, masks, plastic jackets and hand-gloves while taking the jewellery from the display cases.

There have been reports of a sharp increase in cases of thefts across many parts of the country when there is a tense mood already due to the alarming rise in the number of coronavirus cases.

India’s coronavirus count crossed the seven lakh mark on Monday, just four days after the number of infections in the country reached six lakh.

A total of 22,252 fresh cases and 467 deaths in the last 24 hours have pushed the total cases in the country to 7, 19,665 and the death count to 20,160, according to the union health ministry.