California Governor Gavin Newsom informed that around 12,000 firefighters are battling 560 active wildfires across the state.

Newsom informed that major fires in Southern California are coming under control.

The state is shifting resources to battle massive blazes in Northern California, reported USA Today quoting Newsom.

Fires have burnt through brushland, rural areas, canyon country and dense forest surrounding San Francisco.

“We’re putting everything we have on this,” Newsom said.

The state is seeking aid from the federal government.

“California firefighters are overwhelmed by the ongoing fires,” he further said.

Newsom further informed that two of the fires there are now the 7th and 10th largest fires in state history and this has destroyed as much as 300 square miles each.

Smoke from the fires is making the air quality in parts of California some of the worst in the world.

Health experts say limiting outdoor activities, remaining indoors with the windows and doors closed and turning on an air conditioner with a recirculation setting can help reduce your risk if you live in an affected area.