A gate at Camp Hebron of the NSCN (IM).
A gate at Camp Hebron of the NSCN (IM). Picture credit: epao.net

The NSCN (IM) said the sovereignty of the Nagas has never been compromised while asserting that it will never betray the people’s trust and aspiration.The outfit said its movement is principle and issue-based backed by gaon buras.

“The NSCN survived the harsh attempt of the adversaries to annihilate the Naga political movement because our movement is principle and issue-based and backed by the gaon buras (village headmen) besides the benevolent Almighty’s will,” NSCN (IM) steering committee convener Rh Raising said while addressing a meeting with the Nagaland Gaon Buras Federation and its district units here on Saturday. The outfit issued a statement in this regard on Sunday.

Raising also gave a brief description of the “unique” history of the Nagas and the long struggle against the Indian government.

The kilo kilonser (home minister) of the outfit, Hukavi Yepthomi, said the solution to the ongoing peace talks is the only way to settling the Indo-Naga issue. Any settlement to Indo-Naga conflict will be based on the political and historical rights of the Nagas as the government of India officially recognised the unique history of the Nagas, he stated.

Chief of the group’s Naga army Anthony Shimray said it is the fundamental right of the Naga people to protect and secure the land.

President of the Nagaland GBs Federation Shalem Konyak said that the Naga leaders and followers must unite and fight for the common cause. He extended the federation’s support to the ‘framework agreement’ signed between the NSCN (IM) and the Centre on August 3, 2015.

The NSCN (IM) statement quoted Konyak as saying “they (gaon burhas) will come to the aid of the revolutionaries even if the road is less travelled or difficult to cross.”

The federation’s general secretary, Shikuto Zalipu, thanked the NSCN (IM) for “rendering their invaluable service and sacrifices made thus far for the Naga nation and endorsed the NSCN to wage the political war while they look after the domestic affairs.”

Zalipu assured that the gaon burhas are ready to respond to the call of the nation at any time and place, the NSCN (IM) statement said.

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