Guv-Mahayajna 2
Photo: Raj Bhavan, Assam

Assam Governor Prof Jagdish Mukhi attended Adhyatmik Bharat-Adhyatmik Assam’s Asth Prahar Vyapi Viswa Shanti Gayatri Mahayajna to mark the auspicious inauguration of the yajna to seek blessings for the welfare of all sections of the people of the State at Kalapahar in Guwahati on Saturday.

Adhyatmik Bharat-Adhyatmik Assam Mahayajna is a joint effort of Vihangam Yoga Sansthan, Varanasi and Rajasthan Foundation Assam to explore spiritual enrichment and seek integration at the highest order of Assam despite the State’s distinct cultural and linguistic identity which makes it an abode for different section of people with diverse thoughts and beliefs and of course ethnicities.

Guv-Mahayajna 1
Photo: Raj Bhavan

Gracing the programme, Prof Mukhi said that India since the pre-historic period India has stood out on its spiritual superiority. From the very ancient times it has been seen that the sages and yogis resorted to performing yajnas for the welfare of society and humanity as a whole.

Emphasizing the positive vibes released by yajnas, Prof Mukhi said that the modern scientific research has also shown significant therapeutic applications of yajna and also affirmed its potential in purification of environment.

Prof Mukhi further said that yajnas or havanas hold an important position as they have the potential of cutting down negative forces and consign evil power. The philosophy of yajna teaches a way of living in the society in co-existence and in perfect, eulogizing the higher human values in the society, the Governor added.

Thanking the organizer, the Governor said that by organizing the Asth Prahar Vyapi Viswa Shanti Gayatri Mahayajna they have created an atmosphere of strength by consigning ego, selfishness and to embrace human compassion and spearhead the welfare activities for the nation.

Former Chief Minister of Assam Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, MLA West Guwahati Ramendra Narayan Kalita also spoke on the occasion.