Representational photo of NNPG.

The working group of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) involved in the ongoing peace process with the Government of India, while reaffirmed its stand on the ensuing Assembly election in Nagaland have expressed apprehension about few power hungry politicians of the State taking advantage of the polls to jeopardize the talks.

Drawing attention on the ensuing elections, polling of which will be held on February 27 next in the State, the working group of NNPGs said it did not consider the Government of India as the problem but a ‘few determined power hungry political leaders in Nagaland’.

The working group through its media cell, said these politicians wanted election and used ‘solution to the Naga political problem as a mere slogan to grab power’.

The working group alleged that a section of politicians from the State stood by them in the home state shouting in unison for a permanent solution to the decades old Naga problem, but in New Delhi they went door to door pleading for elections before an amicable solution.

The working group further cautioned that a section of politicians from the State have a ‘vicious plan’ to prolong the issue and wrest power in the State with the sole aim to fill their own coffers.

Terming the announcement of elections in the State as a ‘backward step and against the sentiment of our people’ the working group alleged, the Election Commission announced the poll dates at a time when it was holed up in the national capital pleading several quarters for a solution before polls after which the working committee had to rush back home ‘to consult the people’.

The working group also lauded the unity of purpose and commitment of the Joint Christian Forum, Nagaland Gaon Burah Federation (NGBF), Naga Hoho, NTC, CNTC, NSF, NMA, ACAUT, Senior Citizens, former legislators, majority of intending candidates, present legislators for ‘Solution before elections’ as unprecedented.

In this regard, it said NNPGs ‘will stand alongside our people’ while warning of ‘appropriate answer’ for insulting the people’s decision.

The working group of the NNPGs further said that the Government of India has failed and disappointed the Naga people again by holding elections before arriving at an amicable solution to the impending problem.