The NSCN (IM) on Sunday stated its position on the Naga political talks, calling upon the government of India to be more positive and sincere.

The outfit said any formulation or proposal from any quarter which is outside the parameter of the Framework Agreement signed on August 3, 2015, will not be acceptable to it in particular and the Naga people in general.

The outfit said as agreed, both the parties are required to work out the details and execution plans for early implementation within the Framework Agreement.

The NSCN (IM), in a release, issued by its ministry of information and publicity, said the Nagas are not ignorant of the contemporary situation of the world around them.

“We are for peace and progress,” it stated.

The outfit said it believes there is no human problem that cannot be resolved with human wisdom pregnant with mutual respect and equality as Prime Minister Narendra Modi has often quoted.

The release said the NSCN was constrained to let the people know what has been transpiring across the desk between it and the government of India in view of the “unacceptable posturing of Indian authorities” at the Indo-Naga negotiation.

NSCN (IM) said it has been more than five years since the signing of the Framework Agreement made at the Prime Minister’s Office, New Delhi, under his own nose.

The release said the event was witnessed by a host of his ministers and topmost officials besides a score of NSCN delegation and the world watched the live telecast with awe and jaw dropped as one saw one of the longest armed conflicts in South-East Asia being resolved across the table.

Stating that the Framework Agreement is in public domain now, the NSCN said it clearly acknowledges that the Indo-Naga conflict is political and nothing else.

It said both sides have agreed to put this violent conflict to an end once and for all by solving the problem on the basis of “shared sovereignty” by respecting people’s sovereign right.

By so doing, it was felt that India and Nagaland will enter into a new enduring and inclusive relationship of peaceful co-existence of the two entities (India and Nagaland), the release said.

It sought to explain that enduring and inclusive new relationship of peaceful co-existence of the two entities means relationship is extraordinarily strong, sustainable and durable through trials and pains and the two are to remain interlocked though each maintains one’s own identity.

The NSCN said in spite of the bloody past and bitterness, the Nagas are realistic and pragmatic and agreed to resolve the problem and reconcile with the government of India by sharing sovereign power and enter into a new relationship for peaceful co-existence of the two entities.

It added that the Nagas remain grateful to the Indian government, under the statesmanship of the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which recognised the unique history and political situation of the Nagas in July 2002.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]