The working committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs), a conglomeration of seven Naga political organisations, on Friday warned against holding the Naga people to ransom.

“None should attempt to keep the Naga society at ransom. Those who do not understand the value of peace should not claim Naga future,” the media cell of the working committee said in a release.

Expressing shock and pain at the despicable act of lobbing a grenade at the Assam Rifles transit camp at Purana Bazar here on October 11, the committee said all the Nagas must commit themselves to fulfilling the “common aspiration” at this hour.

It said creating fear-psychosis in the garb of “national workers” should not be tolerated anymore as violence and violent activities are a direct challenge to “our people” which deserve mass condemnation.

Stating that peace, like war, must be waged, the committee said it is the duty of all tribes and civil societies to retake our towns, villages, colonies from anti-peace elements and criminals.

The Assam Rifles on October 14 said it had nabbed an NSCN (K-Nikki) cadre, who was the p1rime suspect in lobbing of the grenade at its transit camp on October 10 within 48 hours.

The cadre was apprehended with a 9mm pistol and three live rounds from near his residence at Purana Bazar here on October 11.

Political and historical identity of the Nagas:

The committee reiterated that the political and historical identity of the Nagas have been entrenched beginning from the Agreed Position signed with the government of India on November 17, 2017, and all along the negotiations.

With this clarity of thought, the committee has negotiated with the Centre and confided with the Naga tribes on all negotiated points without ambiguity, the release said.

“We reiterate this truth before God and the Naga people,” it said.

The committee said the Naga people are keenly awaiting an honourable and acceptable political solution to the long-drawn Indo-Naga political issue.

The release said the working committee, with active support and cooperation of the Naga tribes and civil societies, has exhibited utmost commitment and transparency in relaying the status of the political dialogue, the negotiated points and the political structures post solution in Nagaland as well as in “our ancestral lands presently under Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam states”.

It said an honourable, acceptable and peaceful political solution will not fly in from the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Japan or Thailand. While acknowledging Naga well-wishers across the globe, the committee said the reality is that the issue is between the government of India and the Naga people.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]