The Opposition Naga People’s Front (NPF) has expressed serious concern over the increasing number of Covid-19 positive cases and death in Nagaland.

The party on Friday urged the government to be well equipped mentally and physically to fight the pandemic in the State. On its part, the party assured full cooperation and support to the government in combating the infection.

The press bureau of NPF, in a release, stressed that the government should make available the Covid vaccine to all the citizens above 18 years and sensitise the people about its importance as many people are still reluctant to take it.

It said all Covid-related treatments like testing, medicine and treatment be given free of cost.

The party said the government should issue strict directives to the villages, wards and colonies that the contact tracing of contacts whose Covid test results are yet to be declared should totally isolate themselves from the public.

It pointed out that in many instances, positive patients before their results are declared are seen moving freely in their vicinity, which ultimately spread the virus to more people.

“As the positive rate is increasing each day, more hospital beds and medical equipment should be immediately arranged, particularly in Dimapur and Kohima, and even in other districts as the worst time is likely to hit the State if the present trend continues,” the NPF stated.

It suggested that the government try to utilise the services of all the retired doctors.

The party also urged the government to be fully prepared to deal with the situation in the aftermath of the lockdown which has been extended to May 31 in the State.