Representative photo.

The Nagaland government on Saturday urged the people of the state to voluntarily stay indoors during the ‘Janata Curfew’ called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi from 7 am to 9 pm on Sunday.

The state government also clarified that the Janta Curfew is not being enforced by it but is voluntary and self-imposed. However, it appealed to all the citizens of the state to show solidarity with the call made by the Prime Minister.

On Friday, governor RN Ravi made a sincere appeal to the people of the state to observe the ‘Janata Curfew’.

Ravi said the Prime Minister’s address to the nation on Covid-19 on March 19 has been immensely reassuring to the people and urged all to respond to his appeal in full measure.

He said he had reviewed the overall preparedness of the state government to combat the coronavirus. “Though there is no positive case reported in Nagaland so far, keeping the nature of the outbreak, arrangements are being made and improved upon regularly, he said.

Besides the State Level Task Force, district task forces have been constituted in all the districts, vigorous screening of passengers at entry points are going on, isolation beds have been identified, border screening is being done at 14 entry points, 24X7 helpline numbers are in operation, Ravi said.

Saying that there is enough stock of essential commodities, he urged the people to stay calm and not to resort to panic buying or hoarding.

Ravi also urged the people to sincerely follow the advisories of the Union ministry of health and family welfare and those of the state government being issued from time to time.

He appealed to the leaders of the Church and other faith-based organisations to create awareness and disseminate required preventive information and advisories to the people at the grassroots level.

The special protection group, set up by the state government under the chairmanship of home commissioner Abhijit Sinha, on Saturday reviewed the various preparatory measures and steps taken by the state government to contain the spread of the virus.

Principal director, health and family welfare department, Dr Vizolie Suokhrie said ICUs and isolation wards have been set up in all the district hospitals.

He said that all the medical surgeons have been directed to prepare for expansion of isolation wards in their respective hospitals if and when required.

He reiterated that every individual entering the state should contact Covid-19 helpline numbers 7005435243, 9856071745, 7005539653 and toll-free number 1070 or email [email protected] and mandatorily self-quarantine for a minimum of 14 days.

Officer on special duty, Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority, Jonny Rongmei said the awareness information and advisories on Covid-19 have been prepared in various local dialects to be dispatched to all the districts of the state.

The Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission will act as a network channel through the self-help groups to disseminate the information to all the villages of the State.

In a notification on Saturday, the school education department principal director, Shanavas C., said the students who are eligible for midday meal will not be deprived under any circumstances.

He said excess quantity of unutilised food grains available will be distributed in equal quantity to all the eligible children till class VIII.

He said the school authority may invite the parents of the students to come to the school and collect food grains by taking precautions to avoid gathering or crowding as per the government directives.

Mon deputy commissioner Thavaseelan K. on Saturday banned private tuitions in the district as a social distancing measure till April 12.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]