Image: DIPR, Mizoram

A week long workshop titled ‘International Workshop on Recent Advances in Academics (RAA 2019)’ got underway in Mizoram from Monday.

The workshop was inaugurated at Government Champhai College Multipurpose Hall by Prof K R S Sambasiva Rao, vice chancellor, Mizoram University.

Prof Lalnundanga, registrar, Mizoram University graced the programme as the guest of honour.

Speaking at the inaugural programe, Prof Rao stressed that Champhai and its vicinity being located at the periphery of international border has got immense potency that it could attract not only  the students across the country but also  nearby foreign students.

The vice chancellor while appreciating the progress of the college urged the College to brace for the upcoming NAAC assessment due on 2021 so that higher grade is achieved and more benefits arrive at the College.

Prof Rao reiterated that Mizoram University has proved its position among elite universities of the country.

He said if the recent drastic progress is carried forward at the very same pace, the university will definitely features among the top 25 universities of the country.

The vice chancellor of Mizoram University encouraged the scholars who have attended the inaugural programme to have broader thinking and ponder upon practical works and materialize the knowledge they possessed.

He also advised them to consult their lectures and even higher authority whenever they face complications.