Mizoram BJP legislator BD Chakma
BD Chakma

Lone BJP legislator of Mizoram BD Chakma on Thursday asked the state government to refer him to outside the state for Covid-19 test after his re-tested sample results showed positive despite his being asymptomatic for more than a week.

Chakma wrote to health minister R Lalthangliana and health and family welfare board vice chairman ZR Thiamsanga urging them that he should be referred to either Kolkata or Guwahati to cross-check his swab samples after attending doctor informed him that he is still tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday.

“I have written to the health minister and health and family welfare board vice chairman on Thursday. I think state-level Covid-19 expert team is discussing it,” he said.

He said he was in a fix as his sample, which was collected on Tuesday for re-test has come out as positive on Thursday despite his being showing no symptoms of Covid-19.

“I am very much in a fix. My RT-PCR test is still positive but without any signs and symptoms of Covid-19. Let the government decided on it then I will give a second thought after hearing the government opinion,” he said.

Chakma has tested positive for Covid-19 on September 13 and was initially under observation at Zoram Medical College (ZMC), the only dedicated Covid-19 hospital in the state located about 16 km from Aizawl.

He was discharged from ZMC on September 17 to be isolated at MLA hostel, a designated Covid-19 care centre at Aizawl’s Khatla locality.