Arunachal dam
Representational image.

Manipur and Meghalaya are among the 10 participating states in a $250 million project signed by the Centre, Central Water Commission and the World Bank.

The World Bank aid of $250 million will be used to strengthen dam safety by building safety guidelines, bringing in global experience and introducing innovative technologies.

“The Government of India, the Central Water Commission, government representatives from 10 participating states and the World Bank have signed a $250 million project to support the Government of India’s long-term dam safety program and improve the safety and performance of existing dams across various states of India,” said a joint statement.

The $250 million loan has a maturity of 13 years.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs recently approved the second and third phases of the Rs 10,211 crore Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) to improve the safety and operational performance of 736 dams across the country.

“The project will be implemented in approximately 120 dams across the states of Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu and at the national level through the Central Water Commission (CWC). Other states or agencies may be added to the project during project implementation,” the statement said.

India has around 5000 large dams that play an important role in India’s water security and mitigating floods.