Dominic Sangma Image Credit:

Meghalaya filmmaker Dominic Sangma’s film Rapture has been selected for La Fabrique Cinema 2019 to be organized by Institut Francais for this year’s Festival de Cannes.

The film is one among the ten projects selected globally for the festival to be held in Cannes from May 14 to May 25.

Among the ten films from various nations that have been selected for La Fabrique Cinema 2019, Rapture is the only film to be selected from India.

Directed by Dominic Sangma and produced by a Chinese producer Xu Jianshang , the film is about the disappearance of some people from a village and how they react to different situations and challenges they face.

The film was one of the selected projects in Busan Asian Film School (AFiS) and NFDC Film Bazaar in 2018.

La Fabrique Cinema is a tailored program which helps talented young directors from emerging countries augment their international exposure.

The programme is developed by the Institut Français, in partnership with France Medias Monde, the International Organisation of La Fancophonie and the Sacem.

The directors and producers of those films who attend the programme will receive guidance from a personal coach who helps identify their needs (co-production, distribution, sales etc.) and schedule meetings with professionals who might be interested in co-financing their project.

They will also get to attend pitching workshops and professional events connected to production and the film market where they will get a wonderful opportunity to learn and interact with leading film personalities.

Sangma’s first feature film Ma. Ama became the first film from Meghalaya and the only Indian film to be officially selected in the International competition section of Jio MAMI 2018.

Sangma is a graduate of the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute of Kolkata.