Former Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said agitation will continue as long as the contents of the framework agreement for solving the Naga issue are not made public. Addressing a public meeting organized by Heirok Block Congress Committee under the supervision of Manipur Pradesh Committee at Umang Laikon under Heirok part I, Ibobi Singh said the public is still suspicious as utmost secrecy has been maintained about the framework agreement.

“The agitations are not being organized against any political party, or against the militant group NSCN- (IM),” he said, adding, “It is also not for making political gains of the party or against the framework agreement itself which seeks to bring an everlasting resolution to the Naga issue”.

“What the Congress party has been demanding is that the terms on which the Government of India and NSCN – (IM) have agreed upon, that has been included in the framework agreement be disclosed to the public, and not to keep it as a secret,” he further said.

However, the agreement that was signed up on August 3, 2015 between the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and general secretary of NSCN – (IM), Th Muivah and its contents have not been disclosed to the public and kept under secrecy in the past two years, he added.

If the contents of the agreement bring a permanent and peaceful solution to the issues of the Nagas, then it would be for the betterment of all and the Congress will support it, he said. However, if the agreement does something opposite, that may bring harm to other communities while trying to please another, and has the possibility of affecting the territorial integrity of Manipur, then the Congress party will take action against it, he asserted.

Ibobi further said during president Ramnath Kovin’s visit to the state for the Sangai Festival, a copy of the memorandum was handed over to the president demanding disclosure of the contents of the framework agreement.

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