
The Kamrup (Metro) District Administration has directed all the pubs, bars, restaurants, cineplexes and other such establishments in the city to take safety measures and submit the updated safety certificate from the departments concerned within a month. This order came in the wake of the recent Kamala Mills fire tragedy in Mumbai which claimed the lives of 14 people.

The District Administration said even though there is large congregation of public at places like pubs, bars, restaurants and cineplexes in the city, many such establishments do not maintain the basic safety requirements like fire safety, electrical safety for any eventuality.

“Several incidents have happened in the recent times due to non-maintenance of  basic safety requirements. Recently a fire incident in a rooftop restaurant Mumbai, took 14 innocent lives because of human negligence. Such incidents may happen at any time in Guwahati also,” stated the order.

Failure to obtain safety certificates by the establishments will lead to suspension or cancellation of license.

All such establishments will have to put fire safety measures like functional inbuilt fire installations, fire extinguishers, proper fire exit and submit updated safety certificate from the Fire and Emergency Services. Electrical safety certificate will have to be obtained from the Chief Electrical Inspector of the State Government.

Food safety audit must be done and updated food safety certificate from the State Health and Family Welfare Department will have to be submitted. Updated Emergency Disaster Management and emergency evacuation routes will have to be designed in advance.

Basic training on fire safety, search and rescue, and emergency evacuation must be provided to the staff and regular mock drills conducted. Commercial establishments must submit a detailed report to the administration on that point.