Nirbhaya convicts.

The authorities of Tihar Jail had a tough time during the hanging of the four Nirbhaya convicts on Friday morning.

Although the preparations were on in full swing, there was some uncertainty as the convicts had decided to petition the Supreme Court late into Thursday night.

Tihar Jail authorities were quoted in reports as saying they were sure that the hanging would take place at the scheduled time as the convicts had exhausted all legal remedies.

Also read: Nirbhaya convicts took bath, given fresh clothes before hanging

On Thursday afternoon, the jail authorities told the convicts to prepare their wills and also make a final wish.

The convicts, however, did not make a will and inform the jail authorities about their last wish until the last moment as they felt that they still could stall the hanging by moving the court.

On Wednesday, there were dummy executions that were carried out at the phansi kotha or the hanging courtyard.

Also read: Drop of loop that decided hanging of Nirbhaya convicts

On Thursday, the authorities along with the hangman Pawan Jallad inspected the area for the final time before the execution.

The ropes that were sourced from Buxar in Bihar were tied to the beams of the gallows.

To make the execution smooth the ropes were dipped in butter.

Also read: Nirbhaya convicts finally hanged

On Thursday the hangman also checked the lever.

On Thursday evening the relatives of the convicts visited the jail.

Each of the convicts was lodged in a separate cell and was watched round the clock.

Finally at 5.30 am all the four convicts were hanged.

All of them were anxious and nervous, the official were quoted as saying in reports.

On Friday morning the hanging process began at 4 am.

The hangman made the final preparations.

Also read: Last wishes of hanged convicts

The convicts were told to have a bath and were given a new set of clothes.

They were allowed to pray and also have one last meal.

They were then taken to the gallows separately.

At the gallows their faces were covered and their hands and legs were tied.

The hands and legs are tied so that the prisoner does not try and escape.

At the hanging courtyard there were 10 persons present including the hangman and the jail superintendent.

A doctor, resident medical officer, district magistrate and few guards were present.

At 5.30 am sharp, the jail superintendent gave the signal for the hanging following which the lever was pulled.

The entire process went off smoothly with no glitch.

Jail authorites were quoted as saying that the bodies remained in suspended animation for about half an hour following which the jail doctor certified them dead.