Christmas mood grips people in Nagaland. (Representational photo)

Even as black out in almost entire Dimapur in Nagaland for nearly a month following damage to 20 MVA transformer at Nagarjan sub-station here dampened the Christmas spirit, operationalisation of a new transformer of the same capacity in the sub-station from Wednesday put back people in a good mood. Many were seen decorating their houses, shops and streets with renewed vigour throughout the day today. However, some others had already completed their preparations beforehand.

The damage to the transformer also affected businesses in the town badly.

While a select few already started celebrating advent Christmas in the town, most were not sure when they could light up their houses and surroundings following damage to the transformer which went up in flames on November 12.

Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang, on his behalf and on behalf of the Government, through an advertisement in local papers extended warm Christmas greetings to the citizens of Nagaland.

“This Christmas season, I take this opportunity to wish all the citizens of Nagaland a joyous Christmas season and a prosperous New Year,” the Chief Minister said in his message.

Legislators of the State held pre-Christmas service at the State Banquet Hall in Kohima last night.

“Let us pray for all the leaders serving at all levels so that the mercy of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ humble their hearts and bestow wisdom, courage and humility. Let us also pray for peace and reconciliation amongst different sections of our Naga people,” Zeliang said while conveying Christmas greetings at the service.

“I believe that the message of Christmas has the power to transform and solve the problems facing the world and humanity. This Christmas, let us all put in our best efforts to renew relationships not only with those who are near and dear to us but with every fellow human beings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” the Chief Minister added.