Arnab Goswami

A lawyer has written to the Secretary General of the Supreme Court expressing his grievance against the registry alleging discrimination in terms of listing of ‘urgent matters’.

The letter written by advocate Reepak Kansal was sent right after Republic TV’s founder Arnab Goswami, got a hearing within one day of filing his petition, Live Law reported.

In his letter to the Secretary General, Kansal says that there is discrimination practised by the Registry while listing of cases and highlights the example of the petition filed by Arnab Goswami to drive home the point.

He points out that Goswami’s petition was filed on Thursday, April 24 at 8 PM and was listed for hearing on Friday, April 25 at 10.30 AM.

This quick listing was done without pointing out any defects in the plea or urgency letter and a previous list of pending cases was ignored in the process.

Kansal alleges that it a “routine” issue for the registry to favour certain specific lawyers and law firms when it comes to listing of cases and amounts to discrimination.

“It is routine in the Registry where some law firms/influenced advocates are given preference by the section officers/registry. This is discrimination and against the equal opportunity,” Reepak Kansal says in his letter.

He further points out that the list of “short category matters” published by the Supreme Court earlier this month does not cover the class of cases that Goswami’s matter fell under. And yet, the same found a listing within a few hours from being listed.

As opposed to the same, Kansal’s matter filed on April 17 is yet to be listed and heard by the Apex Court despite making several complaints in relation to registry and the non-listing of his case, National Herald reported.