Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the Assam State Zoo-cum-Botanical Garden has welcomed a lion and two tiger cubs- both born a week apart in May.

“The lion cub, a male, was born in early May and the two tiger cubs, a male, and a female, were born a week later,” reported Hindustan Time quoting Tejas Mariswamy, divisional forest officer (DFO), Assam State Zoo.

The news of the births was not disclosed earlier as the state zoo officials wanted to keep a tab on their health parameters before making it public.

The three cubs are said to be in good spirits presently.

The lion cub was born to Vicky and Rani and it has been named Simba. The tiger cubs were born to Dhanush and Kazi.

The male tiger cub is named Sultan, however, the female cub has not been named yet.