Assam: Golden Langur killed by speeding vehicle in Kokrajhar
Golden langur: Image credit: Wikipedia commons

Amid the nationwide lockdown and coronavirus pandemic, ‘Bolin’ and ‘Lovely’ – a pair of golden langurs at the Assam State Zoo, have blessed with a male baby.

The baby langur, which has not been named yet, was born in the zoo on Wednesday night.

The Assam State Zoo, the only zoo in India to house golden langurs, had been recognised by the Central Zoo Authority to initiate a conservation breeding programme for the primate.

Bolin and Lovely were housed in a breeding centre situated away from the visitor circuit as part of this programme.

The first successful birth took place in December 2019 when a female was born to them.

“This is a great achievement and all credit goes to the dedication and efforts of the keepers, veterinary doctors and all staff involved in the project,” Zoo DFO Tejas Mariswamy said. Golden langur is an endangered species.