NF Railway headquarters in Guwahati.

The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has started thermal scanning for its staff and visitors from Wednesday.

The thermal scanning process has started at railway offices, workshops and stations as a precautionary measure against coronavirus.

The Railways have been taking every possible step in an attempt to control the spread of coronavirus and to ensure that no one is affected by the deadly disease.

The Indian Railways on Tuesday issued an advisory to its zonal railways stating that no catering staff having symptoms such as fever, cough, running nose or difficulty in breathing should be deployed in the business of food handling.

“All staff to wear a facemask and hand gloves, head gear etc while dealing with food production and services to passengers, staff be advised to wash their hands with soap frequently, avoid contact with people having cough or cold, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, hand gloves to be changed frequently and disposed off in closed dustbin,” it added

“All staff deployed in food production and services should wash their uniforms on daily basis and wear clean uniforms on duty,” it said.

The advisory also stated that adequate stock of hand soaps and hand sanitizers should be available at all catering units.

The Railway Board on Sunday had directed all zonal railways and general managers to remove blankets and curtains from the AC coaches of the passenger trains as a precautionary measure against COVID-19.