On the occasion of world environment day on Sunday, a twitter campaign has been launched against the uprooting of tea bushes at Doloo tea garden at Cachar district of Assam.

At least 3 million tea bushes at Doloo tea garden were recently uprooted by the authorities in Cachar district of Assam for construction of a Greenfield airport.

Typed tweets have been made available for Twitter users:




3 million tea bushes are being uprooted. 2500 tea workers are on the verge of losing livelihoods.

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Stop Evicting Tea Workers in the name of Airport. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

Over three million plants are to be uprooted to construct the greenfield airport & More than 2,500 tea garden workers will lose their jobs if the project is materialized. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

Environmentalism Without Class Struggle is Just Gardening.” Chico Mendes #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

Land acquisition without consent of the real stakeholders is an act of Shakuni Mama. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

Once suburbs & villages of India hosted an abundant variety of plants & animals. The song of multi-hued colourful birds would orchestrate the surroundings today they are rarely visible. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

The capitalist production system lives off the exploitation of nature and the working class. In pursuit of profit, the least amount of consideration is given to the havoc wreaked on the environment. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

If we don’t take action against the destructive game, soon the planet will become a hell where greenery, clean rivers & a healthy atmosphere will turn out to be only stories. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

The race of more and more profit rolled the wheel of environmental exploitation. Profit mongering must stop. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

The existence of billions of species of plants, animals, flora, and fauna including humans is under threat due to climate change. This crisis is deadlier & dreadful than world wars, epidemics, & nuclear bombs. #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

“Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory, nature takes its revenge on us.”- Engels #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)

Hamder Bagane Toder Phutani Nai Cholbe #SaveDoloo #ClimateJustice #EnvironmentDay #Assam (tweet)”

Meanwhile, “Friends of Doloo”, in a statement has also questioned the Assam government’s version that the Doloo tea garden in Assam was cleared off to construct a Greenfield airport, whereas “there is no information that the central government has given any approval for the construction of a Green Field Airport on the designated land”.

Full statement: