mass awareness on Covid19
A view of the awareness campaign.

NGO Peoples’ Action for Development (PAD) in collaboration with Action Aid Association conducted an awareness campaign on Covid19 among people in the tea gardens and Adivasi-populated areas in Lakhimpur district,

The NGO made the people aware about Covid19 using mike and a vehicle.

The 10-day-long awareness campaign, which was started on July 18, 2021 concluded on Monday.

During these days, campaigning team, led by Philipson Sona, deputy director of PAD and Rajesh Kerketta, governing body member and also the president of All Adivasi Students’ Association of Assam, covered all the tea gardens of the district and 10 Adivasi-populated villages.

The announcement was pre-recorded and amid a beautiful mesmerizing melodious song, the Covid protocols, set by the health department, were announced in every lane of the tea gardens and village roads in Adivasi (Adivasiya Sadri) language.

The district is still under complete lockdown for an uncertain period of time as the Covid19 cases are spiralling high in many parts of the district.

According to Philipson Sona, the tea garden workers were still doing their works and unaware of the Covid19 restrictions.

He said, “An announcement making them aware about the restrictions was very necessary for the people in these areas and we started to get positive feedback from the community.”

Rajesh Kerketta thanked Lakhimpur deputy commissioner Sumit Sattawan for granting the permission for announcement and for his pro-active activities to respond the Covid19 situation in the district.

(Report filed by Monoj Gogoi)