North Lakhimpur:  Authorities of Lakhimpur Medical College Hospital (LMCH) ordered DNA testing of a newborn after the family suspects baby swapping.

The incident took place on Sunday at LMCH when a woman, who gave birth to a male baby on Saturday, discovered the newborn to be a female.

The woman identified as Chayanika Das was told by the nurses at labour of giving birth to a male child on Saturday evening at LMCH.

After that, she was shifted to the post-natal ward with the child by the nurses on duty.

However, the family of the woman discovered the baby to be a female one on Sunday morning. 

The family alleged that they were given a female child instead of the male one as declared by the nurse at the labour room.

This led to a huge hue and cry at the LMCH prompting the authorities to initiate an inquiry.

According to Dr Nikhil Kakaty, Superintendent of LMCH, the incident was a result of human error.

He said that in the registered book it was recorded as a male child but added that to end the confusion a DNA test and the footprint analysis of the infant have been initiated.

Farhana Ahmed is Northeast Now Correspondent in North Lakhimpur. She can be reached at: [email protected]