Jagdish Mukhi. Photo credit New Indian Express
File image of Assam Governor Jagdish Mukhi. Photo credit New Indian Express

In view of this, Assam Governor Prof Jagdish Mukhi on Friday appealed to all residents to show their solidarity with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to a three-week nationwide lockdown to break the vicious chain of infection induced by the novel coronavirus.

The Governor also urged upon all to resolutely follow social confinement till April 14 next and lend their efforts to save the country from the scourge of COVID- 19.

Prof Mukhi also observed that the global outbreak of COVID- 19, a novel strain of coronavirus has had its cascading effect on the health of humanity.

Referring to Modi’s request to people to abjure their movement outside their homes for 21 days and his reiteration that if they cannot give their 21 days, the nation would go back by 21 years, the Governor urged upon the people to follow the lock down and thus render their duties towards the nation.

And if they still violate, the Government shall be compelled to take stern action against the violators.

The Governor also said when the government has put in place a system to push unhindered supply of essential commodities and medicines, the public should maintain adequate personal distance while going out to buy them.

Prof Mukhi also asked the residents to stay away from rumour mongers and fake news.

He at the same time advised people to consult doctors before taking any medicine.

The Governor also appreciated people’s active adoption of confinement during the lock down period to pay their respects to the scores of medical and support personnel who braving the vicious chain of virus infection are working day in and day out to save the humanity from the infection.

He also asked those elements who are violating the rules to conform to the lock down for the greater interests of society at large.

He also appealed to people to pray for the welfare of those who are working non-stop to keep their immediate neighborhoods and the local community sanitized.

He also hailed the tireless demeanour of the dedicated journalists who are working on 24×7 basis against the back drop of this life-threatening situation to bring forth accurate news and views.

The Governor also appreciated the selfless service of scores of security personnel and government servants and social orgnaizations involved in the same mission.

He also appreciated the social organizations that have come up to provide food to the needy and daily wage earners.

Governor Prof Mukhi also asked all the concerned officials of Government of Assam, the various central agencies serving in Assam and all volunteers and workers of social, religious and political organizations to put their men and materials on active duty to encourage the people around to adopt adequate precautions.

He further stated that everyone should work in unison to tackle the situation.

“With adequate precautions, safety measures and personal hygiene, we can overcome the challenge posed by   COVID- 19,” the Governor claimed.