anjali seminar
Photo: Northeast Now

In a bid to create awareness among the upcoming generation of the fundamentals of a democratic nation, a seminar on civil rights was held at Udalguri town in the district of Assam on Thursday.

The event addressed by president of Bodo Women’s Justice Forum (BWJF), Dr Anjali Daimari, was held under the aegis of Society for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights (SIPR).

Speaking on the occasion, Daimari appealed to the students to be aware of their due democratic civil rights.

In her speech, she also referred to the United Nations Charter on human rights and explained the importance of the points of the Charter which are applicable to the people in general across the globe.

Addressing the seminar as key person, she dwelt on the civil rights of the indigenous people of this part of the nation and laid emphasis to safeguard the civil rights of the indigenous people.

udalguri seminar
Photo: Northeast Now

She also highlighted the importance of civil rights of senior citizens and youths, civil rights in regards of domestic to social and economic life of the citizens with special reference to the civil rights of the indigenous people.

She expressed high aspirations that the present government would show its sincerity by making the indigenous people enjoy their civil rights in the nation.

The seminar was also addressed by senior advocate of Udalguri district civil court, Jayanta Brahma who analysed the constitutional provisions for protection of civil rights.

Earlier to this, general secretary of the SIPR, Demfu Daimari accorded warm welcome to the guests and students from various colleges and schools of Udalguri area and explained the purpose of the meet.