Anesthesiologist Ashish Pao briefed the MLA and others about the ICU and its functioning.

Tawang legislature Tsering Tashi on Saturday inaugurated a 4-bedded Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Khandro Drowa Tsangmu district hospital in Tawang.

Anesthesiologist Ashish Pao briefed the MLA and others about the ICU and its functioning.

After the inauguration, Tashi inspected the general inpatient ward of the hospital and met with patients.

He also provided financial help to the patients.

Later, the MLA convened a meeting with doctors and other staff of the district hospital.

In his speech, Tashi expressed gratitude to the state government for setting up the ICU, on behalf of the people of the district.

He also lauded the frontline workers for their effort in the fight against the coronavirus.

Even during the pandemic, when everything is shut down it’s the hospitals, doctors and health workers who have not shut their services, he said.

Tashi said the coronavirus pandemic has shown us that health workers and police are always in the frontline giving their services, risking their own lives.

He reminded the health workers that in the coming days their workload will increase manifold.

Acknowledging that there are shortcomings in the district hospital, he assured to strengthen the facilities in the hospital.

Earlier, Tawang district medical officer, Dr Wangdi Lama said COVID or no COVID, doctors and health workers are always frontline workers.

He advised the doctors to not listen to negative criticism and give their best service.

We should always lead from the front, he said.

Dr Lama disclosed that the district hospital was in need of a surgeon and a pediatrician.

Tawang deputy commissioner Sang Phuntsok said the opening of the ICU will be beneficial for patients.

He also praised the doctors and other staffers for saving a life by successfully removing an iron rod impaled in the patient’s body recently, despite facing acute shortage of experts and equipment.