Arunachal Pradesh has registered 224 new positive cases in the last 24 hours, taking the state’s COVID19 tally to 10,020.

This has been confirmed by the directorate of health services, Arunachal Pradesh in the latest report shared on its Twitter handle.

According to the report, Arunachal Pradesh has recorded a total of 10,020 cases out of 2,43,547 persons tested for COVID19 till Thursday.

The new COVID19 cases have been detected in 22 districts, the health department report said.

Of the new cases, the Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) has recorded 89 cases.

While 58 patients are symptomatic, the rest of the patients are asymptomatic.

Meanwhile, 159 more patients have been discharged from 20 districts.

A total of 90 patients have been discharged from the Itanagar Capital Region.

The total number of patients who have been discharged in Arunachal Pradesh is 7,049.

The deadly disease has so far claimed the lives of 16 persons in the state.

The death rate stands at 0.15% while the recovery rate stands at 70.34% and the positivity rate is 27.66%.

Arunachal Pradesh COVID19