Human trafficking in Mizoram
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The Railway Protection Force (RPF) of Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) have rescued as many as 669 minor boys and girls from the clutches of child traffickers in 2018.

NF Railway Chief Public Relation Officer PJ Sharma said this today while adding that the children were rescued from different railway station premises of the NFR.

The RPF have also arrested nine human traffickers for trying to traffic minor girls in trains, he added.

RPF has been successfully rescuing run away children as well as children from the clutches of traffickers regularly along with arrest of traffickers.

Rescued children are normally handed over to their parents or various NGOs like Child Line.

Various squads of RPF have been conducting regular checks at railway premises to prevent such cases.

It is known that gang of traffickers are very much active in this region to take children and women away to other parts of the country.

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