Militants nabbed
The three militants nabbed by Assam Rifles personnel in Manipur. Image - Twitter @official_dgar

As part of their efforts against militant groups in Manipur, the Assam Rifles personnel under IGAR(South) were able to apprehend three rebels including a woman cadre in separate operations.

According to information, in three separate operations, the Battalion of 9 Sector of the Assam Rifles under the IGAR (South), nabbed three underground militant cadres.

While the Thoubal commandos apprehended a woman cadre belonging to the militant outfit United National Liberation Front (UNLF) from Thoubal market, the Keithelmanbi Battalion of the Assam Rifles apprehended 2 PREPAK (PRO) members from Porompat and Chanam Santhok area.

Informing about the operations on their official Twitter handle on Saturday, the Assam Rifles stated:  “In 3 separate ops, Bn of 9 Sect of Assam Rifles of IGAR (S), apprehended 3 UG Cadres. Thoubal Commandos apprehended a woman UNLF cadre from Thoubal market while Keithelmanbi Bn apprehended 2 PREPAK (PRO) from Porompat & Chanam Santhok.”

On February 27, 2019, an active cadre of the United National Liberation Front (UNLF) was nabbed by Moreh Battalion of 26 Sector AR under the aegis of IGAR (South) near the Moreh market.

An AR statement had stated that the arrested UNLF cadre was identified as 23-year-old SS Pvt Thokchom Jiban, son of Manao, a resident of Moreh.

Thokchom Jiban joined the militant outfit in November, 2012 through an overground worker. Jiban had received basic training for 3 months in a Myanmar-based camp.

He was later handed over to Moreh police for further investigation, Assam Rifles further stated.

On the same day, Manipur police on the basis of a specific input provided by Keithelmanbi Battalion of 9 Sector Assam Rifles under the aegis of IGAR (South) apprehended an UNLF cadre from the general area at Singajmei.

The UNLF cadre was was reportedly an active cadre of UNLF and was a self-styled sergeant major of the outfit.