A Rakhine ethnic woman carries a child as she waits to access healthcare for her child at temporary clinic in Sat Yoe Kya Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp near Sittwe of Rakhine State. Photo: Mizzima News

The Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement and Development (UEHRD) emphasised the importance of healthcare in Rakhine. The UEHRD provided a briefing on January 12 about the need for comprehensive healthcare for the people in crisis-ridden Rakhine State, Mizzima News has reported.

The UEHRD Healthcare Task Force is committed to implementing healthcare programmes in the state, alongside the programmes that are already being implemented by the Ministry of Health and Sports.

In the first phase, specialised medical experts will participate in a tour of the Buthidaung region (the Specialist Tour). In the second phase, Mobile Clinics will be established in both Buthidaung and Maungtaw.

The programme is already underway. On January 4, patrons of the Healthcare Task Force, Professor Dr. S Kyaw Hla, Professor Dr. U Nyunt Thein and members of the Task Force, held a meeting with the officials of the Ministry of Health and Sports in order to discuss implementation of the programmes related to healthcare in Rakhine.

Based on the results of the discussion, the Healthcare Task Force has agreed to conduct a Specialist Tour in Buthidaung region on January 27-29 and organize a mobile eye clinic in February. The taskforce will arrange Mobile Clinics in Buthidaung and Maungtaw regions and, if required, to provide support to the current healthcare programmes organized by the Ministry in Maungtaw.

In addition, they plan a soy-milk feeding programme for babies aged one year and over. This programme will start by targeting two schools in Sittwe in February.