rajnath bangladesh
Source: Twitter

Bangladesh on Sunday reassured India that it will not allow its soil to be used for any terrorist activities against the neighbouring country, agencies reports from Dhaka said.

This was reaffirmed by Bangladesh Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan during Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s visit to the country where he held talks with his Bangladeshi counterpart Asaduzzaman Khan on security-related issues.

Singh, who was in Dhaka on a three-day visit, co-chaired with Khan the sixth India-Bangladesh Home Minister level talks.

According to agencies reports quoting Indian High Commission in Dhaka, the meeting discussed ‘all security related matters of interest including counter terrorism, capacity building and increased cooperation between security agencies, border management, countering illegal activities like fake currency, drug and human trafficking’

Later interacting with media after the media, the Home Ministers of India and Bangladesh reportedly said security issues largely featured in their meeting, with particular focus on border management, cross-border crimes and illegal activities.

rajnath hasina
Source: Twitter

According to reports, the Rohingya issue was also discussed and Rajnath Singh had conveyed India’s commitment to extend its assistance for safe, speedy and sustainable return of these people to Myanmar’s Rakhine state from Bangladesh.

Singh also held a meeting with Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina where the two leaders discussed issues of mutual concern, including the menace of terrorism.

Later Rajnath Singh in his official Twitter handle wrote: ‘After spending three days in Bangladesh I am heading back to New Delhi. I am deeply touched by the warmth and hospitality of the people of Bangladesh. Bharat-Bangladesh Moitree Chirojeebi Hok (Long live India-bangladesh friendship)’.