
Lunch is the most important meal of the day which should not be skipped at all as it provides energy and nutrients to keep the body and brain working efficiently through the afternoon.

According to Ayurveda expert Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, you should not have your lunch after 2 pm as it may create issues in its effective digestion.

“Ayurveda recommends having lunch in the afternoon anytime between 12 to 2 pm when the sun is at the peak in the sky. It is that time of the day when pitta is dominant, which helps digest your food easily. For the same reason, Ayurveda considers lunch to be the most important meal of the day and recommends it to be moderate to heavy,” she wrote in a post on Instagram.

Moroever, Savaliya has also listed four common mistakes that you should avoid for optimum digestion of your meals.

To get a healthy body and mind, you stop bathing, having a brisk walk or sleeping immediately right after consuming your meals.

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“According to Ayurveda, every activity has a specific time period and doing it beyond that limit can harm the human body,” she said.

“In the context of taking bath after having food, it is said that one should not take a bath in the next 2 hours after having a meal. The fire element in the body is responsible for food digestion, so when you eat, the fire elements gets activated and results in increased blood circulation for effective digestion. But, when you take a shower, the body temperature goes down and results in slow digestion,” she added.

Meanwhile, exercises like long walks and swimming are Vata aggravating and doing it right after eating can disturb digestion leading to bloating, incomplete absorption of nutrition and feeling of discomfort.

Savaliya also recommended keeping a gap of atleast 3 hours between meals and sleeping time for prevention from getting digestive related complications.

“During sleep, the body repairs, heals, and restores while the mind digests thoughts, emotions, and experiences from the day. For this reason, Ayurveda medicine recommends that the last meal of the day be relatively light and completed three hours bed,” she said.

Moreover, Savaliya also recommends not tohave curd at night as it is sour and sweet in taste and it increases Kapha and pitta dosha in the body.

“During night, there is natural predominance of Kapha in the body and having curd at this time can lead to excess kapha build up. It could also sit there in the gut and make you feel constipated,” she added.

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