Vastu Tips

A mirror is an important household item that plays a great role in our daily life so it is essential to place it in a right way according to Vastu Shastra.

Besides beholding our appearance regularly in mirrors, we often use this item for the purposes of decorating our houses too.

As an object of beauty, mirrors are often used as an accompaniment in various decorative household items.

Meanwhile, mirrors are also the objects which we use regularly to improve our looks so it can also be literally termed as an enhancer of beauty as well.

According to Vastu Shastra, the placement of mirrors in our residences directly affects our energies and our performance of various duties in daily life.

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According to Vastu expert Dr. Shefali Gupta, some of the best ways in which you can place mirrors in the house are-

i) Keep your mirrors in North/ East / North-East Direction as these are the abodes of Lord Kuber, the Lord of Wealth. When a mirror is placed in these auspicious directions it always brings in positive energy to our homes.

ii) Never keep broken mirror at home as it reduces the positive vibration and increases negativity. It is believed that the light falling on the broken mirror transmits negative energy which directly affects the members residing in the house.

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iii) Don’t keep mirror in the south wall of the washroom as it can cause sudden accidents, financial losses and serious digestive health problems.

iv) Never sleep in front of mirror as it is believed to be one of the most common causes of insomnia. If you catch yourself or other movements in the reflection while in bed, it can be difficult for the brain to signal you to go to sleep.

v) Don’t use irregular shaped mirrors as it is considered to be an object of imbalance. As per Vastu Shastra, mirrors that are not balanced in shape or arrangement can cause an imbalance in your life.

vi) Don’t keep two mirrors in front of each other as it is often believed to be streaming energy back and forth between them that isn’t good for a relaxing or peaceful space.

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vii) Keep your mirrors clean as dirty ones can attract negativity. . As per Vastu Shastra, a mirror should have a clear reflection to attract wealth.