A healthy mind and a body are the two main features that plays a great role in keeping our moods positive

Celebrity nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee feels that a balanced diet that is high in whole foods and low in processed junk food along with an active and healthy mindset can have a significant impact on the way we feel.

She also said that depressed people are more prone to several ailments than those who are happier and research believes that the link between obesity and depression may result from physiological changes that occur in immune system and hormones.

To boost your mood, Mukerjee has suggested incorporating these food and habit changes in your lifestyles-

i) Consume magnesium rich food items

Magnesium is a mineral that is largely responsible for the production of serotonin, a hormone that helps in stabilizing our moods. Some of the magnesium rich food that you can eat along with your regular meals include fish, bananas, dry fruits, almonds, brown rice, leafy vegetables and pulses.

ii) Try to avoid alcohol

It is better to quit alcohol from your lives as it leads to hypoglycemia, that is the dip in your blood sugar levels below the standard range, and cause a person to become more depressed only 

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iii) Eat food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 is a highly nutritious fatty acid that not only helps in improving moods but also boost heart, brain and skin health. Try to have mackerel, salmon, sardines, flaxseeds and walnuts that are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids.

iv) Avoid deep fried food as much as you can

Deep fried food items might be very tasty but it is detrimental for health if taken in large measures as it get digested slowly, prevents digestion of many nutritious food and leads to sluggishness, depression and lack of mental alertness.

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v) Always exercise regularly daily

Exercise is an excellent antidote for depression as it produces endorphins which cause a person to become happy. To stay happy and fit, always make out half an hour daily in the morning for jogging, walking or you may hit the gym even if you like.

vi) Take a healthy dose of minerals and vitamins

Research has shown that Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Folic Acid and Zinc seem to have a particularly beneficial effect on depression. Minerals like calcium and magnesium have a beneficial and calming effect on stressed individuals

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vi) Expose your body to sunlight regularly

The habit of sitting in a stool in the late afternoon hours on the balcony and gossiping with loved ones besides exposing the body to sunlight is a best leisure activity that can regulate the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for preventing depression.