5 habits that you should avoid doing to stay healthy forever

A healthy and happy life can be lived forever only when you avoid doing some habits that do not cause any trouble to our well-being.

Habits are the things that we regularly follow with utmost seriousness until it becomes a part of our daily routine.

Our habits can not only become our identity and shape our characters but it can also drastically affect our mode of lifestyles.

It is important for us to control some of our bad habits like late eating and sleeping or working late into the night so that it does not take a toll on our health.

When we start being mindful of our habits, it can directly play a role in keeping our body and mind healthy and keep sickness and other negative emotions at bay.

According to Ayurveda expert Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, here are 5 habits that you should immediately stop doing to stay healthy forever and avoid getting sick-

1. Eating without feeling hungry

Binge eating has become a common tradition today and a large variety of junk food items that are available nowadays has spoiled us for choice in such a way that most of us cannot stop ourselves from savouring it even when we don’t feel any signs of hunger. Dr. Savaliya has said that when you eat without appetite then you are over burdening your liver.  Meanwhile, avoiding eating when you are hungry and eating without hunger can disturb your gut and reduce your metabolism. Therefore, the best and simple rule is to eat only when you are hungry.

2. Sleeping after midnight

Our hectic lifestyles often make us work late into the night and sleeping after 12 AM has become a common form of lifestyle for many of us today. However, you should always try to finish your work and sleep by 10 PM.  According to Dr. Savaliya, the best time to sleep is by 10 pm. The period when the metabolism of the body is at peak is between 10 pm to 2 am. She also suggested that if you stop eating at 7-7:30 pm and sleep early, it allows your digestive fire to digest everything you’ve eaten throughout the day and facilitate optimum liver detox which helps you maintain your weight, sugar levels, energy and your body’s capacity to absorb nutrition from the food you eat.  Sleeping post-midnight deteriorates the quality of your sleep and also disturbs your circadian rhythm giving rise to mental issues, vitamin deficiencies, poor gut health, etc.

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3. Having late dinner

Dr. Savaliya feels that it is best to have dinner before sunset or within one hour of sunset or maximum by 8 pm.  She advises that eating dinner after 9 pm can disturb your metabolism, liver detox and even your sleeping patterns. Moreover, it can also lead to diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, heart issues over a period of time.

4. Indulging in multi-tasking

Multi-tasking increases excess cortisol (stress hormone) in the body which makes you more prone to auto-immune & lifestyle disorders.  Dr. Savaliya advises that doing one thing at a time mindfully improves your working efficacy, reduces stress and also makes you feel more content and peaceful at the end of day.

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5. Exercising more than your capacity

Over-exercising can exhaust you, lead to bleeding disorders, cough, fever, excessive thirst and even vomiting. Maximum exercise can be done in cold season until one’s half strength. This is indicated by sweating on forehead, palms and thighs. Dr. Savaliya said that over indulging in exercise beyond our body’s capacity without taking nutritious diet can lead to severe Vata aggravation, tissue loss and poor agni.