The revolution in the Indian fashion industry is influenced by fashion in the West. The old style of fashion that we used to follow in the 90s came back with some innovations in the existing designs.

Fast fashion collections are based on styles presented at Fashion Week runway shows or outfits that are worn by celebrities while slow fashion seeks a conscious and intelligent approach to growing fashion in a sustainable way. It is important to grow the fashion industry involving both slow and fast fashion.

Here are some strategies that help to bridge the gap between fast and slow fashion together:

  • Brands can take various steps to promote the growth of fashion in a sustainable way by upcycling pre-retail scraps and innovating them into new garments or stylish attire or accessories. This helps to minimise waste and make innovative ensembles for a sustainable future.
  • Brands can focus on the longevity of the design, material quality, and modular designs so which helps to reduce waste during the production process.
  • Embracing new-age fashion formats like 3D prototype reduces the dependence on physical samples and designs. This minimises the waste in the product accelerating the production process.
  • Fast fashion prioritises quantity over quality. They compromise on the quality of the garment and get discarded at a short period of time.
  • Fast fashion often involves unfair labour practices such as paying low wages to the labours. So, paying fair wages to labours and sustainable fashion will ensure quality fashion and save the environment.