Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. They usually spread during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to dangerous consequences and should be taken seriously. These diseases are treated with antibiotics but if left untreated due to the social taboo or negligence may lead to serious long-term complications like infertility, blindness caused by gonorrhoea and even death.  

The people who are sexually active is at a risk of suffering from STD. Some people may be at a higher risk and more vulnerable to the disease.

Here are 4 ways to prevent getting an STD:

  • Safe sex

Using contraceptives and condoms during sex is essential to prevent STD. It is also important to test for STDs regularly, especially if you are in a monogamous relationship. In case you are suspecting that you have got an STD then immediately visit the doctor.

  • Avoid multiple sex partners

Each new person you are involved in the sexual contact may put you in the risk of STI. Fewer sexual partners will lower your risk of getting sexually transmitted infections.

  • Test yourself before getting involved in a sexual relationship

STDs are asymptomatic and so even knowing about it you may be infected to it. Before getting involved with a new partner, it is important to talk openly about your sexual history and any potential risks. So, it’s important to get yourself tested before getting into sexual contact so that you get to know whether you are having STD or not.

  • Abstinence

Abstinence is the most effective way to prevent STD. Though it is not a realistic method to practice but you can try it.