Irregular or abnormal heartbeats are a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. These irregular heartbeats are called arrhythmia. Heart arrhythmias may feel like a fluttering or racing heart and may be harmless. However, some heart arrhythmias may cause bothersome or may be life-threatening.

The normal heart rate for a person ranges from 60-100 beats per minute. Arrhythmia can lead to feelings of dizziness, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating.  Arrhythmia is caused by congenital diseases, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

There are some arrhythmia which is harmless while some may cause a sudden risk of suffering from cardiac arrest. It is advisable to go for a check-up if you are facing any heart problems.

The different types of arrhythmias can be identified by diagnostic tests like ECG or Holter monitoring.  There are certain arrhythmias that occur in the upper chambers of the heart are called Supra ventricular arrhythmias while arrhythmias occurring in the lower chambers of the heart are called Ventricular arrhythmias.

If arrhythmias are not treated early then it may cause damage to heart, brain and other organs which may result in fatal stroke, heart failure or cardiac arrest. With the advancements in medical technology, pacemakers can help in controlling abnormally slow heart rhythms.

However, heart rate increases during sleep or physical activities. Arrhythmia can cause serious health problems so it is important to take recommendations from a cardiologist.