You may enjoy eating the guava in winter, but are you aware of the numerous health benefits packed into the leaves of this commonly found fruit.

The guava leaves relieve various stomach ailments like gas, constipation, stomach cramps and indigestion.

If eaten daily, they purify the blood and impart a glow to the skin.

Also read: Reuse boiled tea leaves, anti-oxidant properties make you heal sooner

The guava leaves if consumed every day lowers cholesterol levels in the body, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and brain strokes.

Boil the leaves of the guava plant in water and consume the clear liquid to get relief from a persistent cough.

Applying the juice extracted from guava leaves to the hair roots reduces hair fall and add shine to it.

Boil the leaves and strain the liquor. Drinking it regularly lowers high sugar levels in the body.