Infertility issues are rising at an alarming rate among both men and women. Infertility is seen in both males and females due to dysfunction of the reproductive system.  This certainly means that the women fail to achieve pregnancy after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse. The change in lifestyle, smoking, and seeking medications for some health issues are some of the causes of infertility.

Some the factors that cause infertility in men and women are:

  • PCOS

Ovulation disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) that may cause Hyperprolactinemia which leads to a higher generation of prolactin. High generation of prolactin hormone help with breast milk production and causes problem in the ovulation process.

  • PID

Fallopian tube damage or blockage is often caused by inflammation of the fallopian tube owing to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID is caused through sexually transmitted infections (STIs), endometriosis or adhesions.

  • Early menopause

When menopause occurs in women before the age of 40 it may cause infertility. Diseases like Cancer which involve radiation and chemotherapy may also cause infertility.

  • Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation and certain genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, structural problems including blockage in the testicle or damage to the reproductive organs can cause infertility in men.

  • Abnormal sperm production

Abnormal sperm production owing to diabetes, obesity or infections such as mumps or HIV can cause infertility in men.

It is advisable to seek help from a fertility consultant if a woman is unable to conceive.