Vitamin D is one of the crucial nutrients essential for our body. Vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium and phosphate making our bones strong and healthy. Researchers have also found that Vitamin D reduces cancer growth, inhibit infection and reduces inflammation in our body. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause a lot of health issues in our bodies.

Here are a few symptoms of Vitamin D that you need to know:

  • Sleeplessness

Low levels of calciferol affects your sleep pattern as deficiency of Vitamin D in our body decreases stress hormone or cortisol. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with short sleep cycles and other sleep disorders.

  • Pain in bone

Lack of Vitamin D causes pain in the bones and weakness in the muscles.  Low Vitamin D leads to frequent falls and increase the risk of injuries associated with them.

  • Falling sick often

Lack of Vitamin D weakens the immune system exposing the body to different type of pathogens. Lack of Vitamin D increases the risk of getting colds and flu infections.

  • Hair fall

Vitamin D has a key role in stimulating hair follicles and accelerating hair growth. Lack of Vitamin D leads to massive hair loss.