During monsoon, it’s important to take care of our health so that we do not fall sick or catch the seasonal flu. Eating street food during this rainy season may cause a problem. So, it is preferred to eat home-cooked food as it prevents us from eating unhealthy junk. To boost your immunity it is important to include certain seasonal vegetables to your food diet.

Here is a list of immunity-boosting seasonal vegetables to include to your monsoon diet:

  • Bitter gourd

Bitter gourd or karela is not liked by most of the people due to its bitter taste but it has a lot of health benefits. It boosts the immune system as it is rich in Vitamin C and is a powerhouse of antioxidants. One can make bitter gourd juice which is healthy.

  • Cucumber

Another hydrating and refreshing vegetable that can be consumed during monsoon is cucumber. It contains nutrients like potassium, manganese, copper and Vitamins A, B, C and K that help to fight against diseases.

  • Pointed gourd

Pointed gourd is one of the common vegetables available during summer or monsoon. It is rich in fibre and low in calories that helps to manage weight. Consuming pointed gourd protect us from different diseases as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

  • Bottle gourd

Bottle gourd is rich in dietary fibre that help to maintain a healthy digestive tract. It has high water content that keeps hydrated during monsoon. Bottle gourd is also rich in iron, and vitamins B and C which have anti-oxidative properties.